Precaution against Nuclear Radiations

Nuclear Disaster

One of the scariest things about nuclear power is when something goes wrong and an accident occurs. Radiation is released into the environment and people get hurt. Two of the most famous nuclear accidents occurred at the Three Mile Island reactor 2 in the United States and the Chernobyl reactor 4 in the former Soviet Union. In this text we will discuss these two disasters, along with correcting a few common misconceptions about nuclear accidents.
The worst type of man-made disaster is caused by the use of nuclear weapons. If we go back to the history of 1945, we come to know the history of 1945; we come to know the worst type of nuclear disaster the world had witnessed. On August 6, 1945 an atom bomb was dropped on HIROSHIMA in Japan, which devastated the entire town killing 66,000 people and injuring nearly 69,000. On August 9, 1945 another atom bomb was dropped on NAGASAKI. This bomb killed nearly 39,000 people and injured more than 25,000.
Nuclear weapons are thus, far more destructive and harmful to the society than any other weapon. Many countries in the world have developed nuclear energy. The developed countries reiterate that nuclear energy will be used only for PEACEFUL PURPOSES. We can only hope this to be true, lest we face another Hiroshima and Nagasaki situation.
Nuclear radiation keeps on showing its effect for a considerable period of time even after its explosion, and those who survive become mental and physical wrecks due to the impact of nuclear radiation.
In case of a nuclear explosion, nothing much can be done. Some precautions however may be taken.
We should stay inside keeping doors and windows shut to protect ourselves against nuclear radiation.
We should keep ourselves informed about the government plants and should act in accordance with official communication.
Nuclear activity may affect our health and cause nausea, giddiness, vomiting etc., and for that medical help should be taken
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